Commit Briefs

Izzy Blacklock

Now prevents creating accounts that exist in database with a password (main, origin/main)


Use putserv instead of printing directly to socket (tags/jrmu-2023-10-08)


Remove PHP dependencies





BNC.pmcommits | blame
Commandscommits | blame
DNS.pmcommits | blame
Hash.pmcommits | blame
Help.pmcommits | blame
LICENSEcommits | blame
Mail.pmcommits | blame
READMEcommits | blame
SQLite.pmcommits | blame
Sh.pmcommits | blame
Shell.pmcommits | blame
VPN.pmcommits | blame
botnow*commits | blame
botnow.conf.examplecommits | blame
botnow_db_fixer.plcommits | blame
captcha.pngcommits | blame
install*commits | blame
intuitive.ttfcommits | blame
networkscommits | blame
register.phpcommits | blame
report*commits | blame
report.origcommits | blame
shellcommits | blame
shelllastseencommits | blame
table.sqlcommits | blame
todocommits | blame*commits | blame
wordscommits | blame
words-LICENSEcommits | blame


botnow: the versatile IRC bot

botnow has only been tested on openbsd 7.3

### System requirements ###

In order to install botnow, you will need to have the following installed and

1) sendmail (
2) nsd (
3) openhttpd (
4) znc (
5) IPv6 (

### Install instructions ###

$ tar xvzf botnow.tgz
$ cd botnow
$ doas ./install
$ doas su botnow
$ cd /home/botnow
$ cp botnow.conf.example botnow.conf
$ vi botnow.conf
$ ./botnow

### Configuration of httpd.conf ###

server "www.$hostname" {
        alias "$hostname"
        listen on $ext_ip port 80
        location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
                root "/acme"
                request strip 2
        location "*.php" {
            fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock"
        root "/htdocs/ircnow/"

### Reinstall ###

If you need to reinstall, run

$ doas make -i

### Changelog ###

Version 0.08: Automatically generate IPv6 addresses and handle rDNS zone files using NSD, and added more configuration options
Version 0.07: Added support for requesting shell accounts
Version 0.06: Refactored code to be modular
Version 0.05: Refactored conf file out of the script and supplied sensible defaults
Version 0.04: Switched from flatfiles to sqlite for user metadata
Version 0.03: Added new DNS commands
Version 0.02: Updated wiki pages, added warnings to common errors, added support
for trustallcerts
Version 0.01: First public version of botnow