Commit Diff

commit - 0f4de59ceb0e6d939c0027649042fd954a01be20
commit + 5be2afada8ec74dbaecf92b1047beaf413f60f7e
blob - e2da7ea19113926fa47cd2e1aa7b44286048a629
blob + b1c446e3817f4438d38584b5922bca7a9c487a8f
--- wiki.d/.pageindex
+++ wiki.d/.pageindex
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+Main.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges ancientwisdom wikisandbox december homepage february august ircnow terms 10t15 shell 2020 jrmu main july 2024 2022 mkf 30z 21 by 31 07 at 38 am 09 36 pm 13 12 03 11 05 01 35
+SiteAdmin.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges siteadmin authuser 08t16 2024 jrmu 32z 09 39 by
+Donations.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges donations 28t16 2024 jrmu 16z 05 38 by
+Ngircd.Ssl:1726172114: Acme-client.Configure Crontab.Edit Pf.Guide : troubleshooting uncommented connections certificate automation encouraged additional configure reloading necessary establish providing following otherwise openhttpd encrypted dhparams examples optional blocking automate hostname certfile rulesets properly firewall incoming downtime request putting _ngircd restart cronjob because renewed keyfile openssl seconds private replace copying expires process crontab renewal server client longer actual random expect before listen enable signed dhfile unable bottom daemon reread signal allows result simply highly ensure check pkill needs order certs chown 16697 would using which sleep visit after users title 16667 quick guide lines files above ports proto pfctl exist first begin pass make this into note doas with will that your 6660 9999 6669 edit acme must have once then 7000 days 6997 send were 2048 wait does want each see crt etc can log var may hup 300 tcp tls two are pem out let its by 90 of
+Unix101.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges february unix101 11t17 jrmu 2022 2024 18z vi by at 08 16 pm 27
+Sshd.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : disablepassword recentchanges configure corrected lohang chroot 12t00 05t15 07t03 sshd jrmu 2024 typo 11z 17z 49z 54 by 08 52 06 43
+Lists.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges ircnow lists 27t20 2024 jrmu 40z 05 47 by
+C101.RecentChanges:1726172114:  : recentchanges 01t18 c101 2024 jrmu 37z 08 05 by
 Iked.Roadwarrior:1726082313: Iked.Sitetosite Dns.FQDN Doas.Configure Pf.Intro Openhttpd.Configure Vpn.Vpn Unbound.Configure Pf.Configure Unbound.Blacklists : ikev2_childsa_enable ikev2_ike_auth_recv 0x3d1dc86e07c0cb15 0x964bd34b809388a9 0x9b48ee25a0b56672 confidentiality troubleshooting authentication iked_activesas iked_dstid_sas 0xceb3d571400 0xceb3d56a780 configuration encapsulating 0xcebae8df000 0xceb3d556c00 0xceb3d55e780 0xceb3d57c800 interoperable certificates associations authenticate installation instructions dynamically roadwarrior established information ike_sa_init configuring destination unsupported permissions sa_childsas blacklists 0x24ce827e 0x7c42210d connection 0x2b3e01ae 0x41576324 addressing sitetosite 0xb5cda039 proceeding curve25519 statistics configured 0xc61f7d48 0x11f53136 exchanging iked_flows internally 0x6f31fa50 forwarding directives 0xffffff00 installed following interface processes protocols daemonize verbosely responder qualified operating initiator generated depending webserver listening openhttpd necessary filtering authority openiked external consider received internet families download security commands expected ipsecctl username password bypasses assigned sa_flows hostname solution properly icmp_seq destname included probably initiate iked_sas valuable starting transfer networks together resolver unwanted outgoing supports obtained machines mschapv2 enabled handles running packets example gateway confirm openbsd srcname replace working udpecap pubkeys traffic unbound similar servers provide depends another clients passive tcpdump request consult meaning refuses caching assumes systems require through handled netstat client1 copying because default writing control devices pkg_add vether0 sysctl 830185 allows common policy 837528 ext_if tagged guides export 830193 domain ipcomp loaded ikectl 837375 define turned create change virtio folder reload htdocs public actual isakmp import ignore method ircnow access 119882 single simple errors 139849 159846 tunnel listed values 139942 itself before 159754 behind please 119770 unique verify output report lookup native trying secure rcctl local block bytes srcid range being there group input could these ecdsa https 20406 using peers quick reply clean pfctl rules check users setup first wants about relay debug intro inet6 final match which loose 63988 33324 valid chmod macro 43204 needs certs 37113 based 10591 faq17 iface fully title lacks nexti above below 19976 shell fqdn mail from ispi show enc0 mode time rspi such data make your that with 6404 1698 2605 sure ping type aaaa vio0 upon echo will doas must grep link stop read spis more sha2 hmac send sent like 0600 note also ipv6 pool sits used give this have easy both root into crls many most some find file pros edit only acts html 117 sad org lo1 etc 500 0x0 100 2d3 www 192 aes 128 gcm can dns 509 ttl 297 191 vpn vps are off 144 150 raw 194 has tee 251 ssh tdb var see rsa eap who may crt 235 zip too 518 464 589 tmp pfx ssl 127 tgz rdr xzf esn prf 256 ip6 ah ax dv mx
 Opensmtpd.Configure:1725990573: Dns.Overview Nsd.Configure DNS.Mail Acme-client.Configure Opensmtpd.Openrelay Dovecot.Install DNS.DKIM Opensmtpd.Troubleshoot : h5itbhzs73t4jshaj9yx6tf63yrataqugbxocx67wyekhch4zqiod6lkh configuration_manual userdb_quota_rule misconfiguration a8d16cd2144222fa 83bd6b3b1669649f troubleshooting authentication automatically authenticated check_fcrdns alphanumeric inconsistent permissions configuring information recommended credentials temporarily mtaproxy511 check_rdns encryption abnormally interfaces optionally connection reputation characters translated california postmaster submission authcheck forwarded addresses mtaproxy2 mtaproxy1 following listeners receiving opensmtpd important configure identical whitelist temporary openrelay connected confirmed recipient specifies _dkimsign assurance including sunnyvale disabling separated available supported firewalls plaintext explained fullchain otherwise usernames passwords ownership exploited hostname response poolporg increase matching checking contains yahoodns replaced digicert overview hundreds enabling variable virtuals receives outbound transfer protocol multiple properly starttls possible s_client selector directly filtered 00000003 ifconfig required received gigabyte starting packages messages _dovecot prompted requires outgoing generate security mailname complete indicate sections tempfail delivery fallback loopback provider programs relayed defines domains openbsd packets example labeled smtpctl private records without blocked running working trusted install earlier defined maillog default allowed warning sending storage nothing happens network instead signing express finally entries reverse filters returns special specify openssl dropped because senders actions servers similar already suppose showing account useradd nologin maildir folders managed offline request symptom related limited pkg_add passing version aliases spammer timeout written logging mistake dealing further include inside socket blocks script delete passwd having emails entire tables _smtpd checks exited signed second create handle length trying forced letter errors issues finish except actual adding strict verify headed reason macros single answer should decide unable handed linked listed author choose source ircnow public marked egress victim header extras gssapi github please before result intend queue route rcctl 39035 being phase spool daily often delay 16h2s first esmtp entry state using third local https evpid group hosts files users admin known reply store smtps which colon shows vmail whose rules these valid times setup lines value pairs depth fruit tells field least pages begin about those mtree avoid might ports chown guide enter chmod basic offer point child apply same when book free like your sent next this safe root want must used only will doas note that find from exec each lmtp data much sets last more acme sbin keep sure make here 2001 pony they need part base rcpt them imap good many goes pop3 into also anti been have real some does hash type quit ctrl s843 stop flag ipv4 vio0 mta5 case both ipv6 high path junk test fccf 2602 sha2 mask unix bind what says lost keys oath mean plus done else hang mta7 mta6 easy proc disk see 15s pki are way 250 fix gq1 too bf1 587 vip rwx due etc 195 228 106 104 465 nsd src 204 www get can jan 143 may 163 451 am0 650 395 192 168 220 ne1 vps but lo0 via pem db8 doc 127 770 440 crt new 17 29 38 81 47 55 mx 33 1g 2b
 Main.HomePage:1725981690: Freedom.Federation Ircnow.Goals Freedom.Freedom Gry.Bio Baytuch.Bio Profiles.Yonle Profiles.Tcache AncientWisdom.Bio Profiles.Jrmu SplinTer.Bio Vps.Vps SplinTer.Hardware Oddprotocol.Hardware Bsdforall.Hardware Izzyb.Bio Thunderirc.Hardware Jrmu.Bio Ircnow.Hardware Ircnow.Servers Minutemin.Bootcamp : monkeybusiness45 sysop_nitestorm ancientwisdom disconnected planetofnix oddprotocol libertybell simpletable posterdati themselves luxembourg thunderirc federation inspirenet ircforever pyritepyro interested following nastycode minutemin shelltalk schnitzel lecturify bsdforall bokamosho voidkrypt different ecosystem improving excellent community currently protocols anonymity sysadmins splinter hardware examples monsieur profiles phreedom bootcamp services location sortable bouncers messages soda_man download security multiple networks hostname combined governor whenever homepage internet provides receive hosting baytuch support request agroena reading servers reasons account channel freedom storage freeirc openbsd cloud9p tomglok working offline covered hotspot naglfar ensures bridges thelion parties ircnow source client useful attach create border topics cloaks tcache guides al1r4d jacobk yiming export access others moocow relays sylv1a forero https goals while learn vpses email izzyb texas third class users width helps yonle vegas rsync total title allen since about hides pyr3x pages rpblc bible maxxe roost later miami sites that want give with jrmu once also news more sell chat from bots your each this will team list full smtp save wifi lets such imap data logo matt 72px ircs join wiki main york here siva sftp type png not bio gry can 1gb cvs and get add org aim scp git pop how vpn znc usa svg pra 100 one ops mkf vrl gif its any who we by
@@ -324,7 +332,6 @@ PmWiki.Skins:1709687649: Skins.Skins PmWiki.Skins Cook
 Atheme.RecentChanges:1708762631:  : recentchanges install written atheme 01t15 2024 rahl 17z by is
 Lemon.RecentChanges:1708749700:  : recentchanges november packages lemon july 2022 2021 todo mkf 10 by pm 06 at 52 30 01 48 07
 Anope.RecentChanges:1708749700:  : recentchanges february install anope 2023 mkf 06 at 09 46 am by
-Sshd.RecentChanges:1708749700:  : disablepassword recentchanges 29t05 sshd 2023 jrmu 16z 11 00 by
 PmWiki.FilePermissions:1708516647: PmWiki.PathVariables Cookbook.MimeTeX Cookbook.DirectoryAndFilePermissions : directoryandfilepermissions subdirectories pathvariables installations configuration administrator instructions public_html temporarily environment appropriate encountered superusers webservers capability ownerships distribute manipulate everything drwxrwxrwx drwxrwsrwx definitive configured referenced prompting therefore describes something eliminate different available alternate questions generally somewhere situation typically practical depending pubdirurl following according hierarchy pmichaud absolute cookbook anything manually writable identity creating function standard creation browsers avoiding normally readable whatever settings specific detailed scripts uploads account mimetex running however created already letting calling without execute summary briefly creates results usually example groupid depends applies ensures inherit instead correct people pmwiki holder parent having within change virtue belong nobody setgid needed suexec called remove recipe frobot modify should answer userid apache mkdirp simple action loaded cached solves manner matter images markup placed files wants world owned write means cause which newly those since below doesn still chmod needs issue first based 54272 match chown above pages again rules allow exact apply suphp exist about grant doing order often works httpd case just even 4096 then this same also okay upon that make used runs have disk when each like will them take uses thus care math look such from 2777 unix host 1024 only into save owns home else they lots sets don way not non box get can now hlt css its www feb why has isn jan cmd via two pwd may you see 755 bit who was by go 95 51 28 58 11 23 12 15 29
 Bouncer.Erc:1708370728:  : instructions my_password my_bouncer parameters connection irc_server extensible customize variables configure different depending software hostname preceded username keyboard writting powerful replace my_nick scratch control command process utility address modular prompts ircnow manual buffer client stands cursor return simple option emacs which point above notes 31337 below title press those https write port 6697 will just with your type line then html chat save also file edit same lisp copy this into meta erc for tls can run www gnu alt org znc ask all do by ip
 Cwm.Configure:1707597296:  : pointer_button2 pointer_button3 pointer_button1 programmable keybindings breadofgod convenient successful configure mousekeys terminals movements entirely xsession powerful familiar emulates keyboard strength control openbsd default pkg_add enables xmodmap ability keycode manager window opened follow xenodm system inside xkbset intend 54321 right first shift press might place codes x11r6 xterm start event sleep login https cwmrc these this file part make lots will spam down upon tmux base that need then left like doas meta with very for org are ssh usr you one xev new its and f10 big cms alt any f11 may now my 76 95 f9 75 be by cs vi j
@@ -356,7 +363,6 @@ Tmux.RecentChanges:1702890494:  : recentchanges instru
 Ircnow.SSHFingerprints:1702838876: Ssh.Fingerprints : b8eg6kph0enoa80gzrsywdpbfittqkcqpa5zllytnso suo14qmmadftez9dzgybhfrnyp9crees5mrvvr6e0t8 tfgntqeynkisu0cphmezrlbkyvuylnnf9quakpijrau racc0elsrvgziz6lpkssjm15wqe9cfxg4x5a3nauiw0 0nthlt6mphsrone5e3flpc11v7k8hmalltkbqvyqlmg teetiunbcvvvbjlkfnygbixhgeugde9j4g776npf4f4 qcvqbfidaonla4my8cuipyacb7uwltu3acii22uakra 2jjkseg5jkaajbpmtrmpof1ltrm4ve5ec7ylk9r2qqq uby6gdxg5v5ih4hmlbxphf2glud2x829mupvr0w0zz4 liewh1okkm1yw3g4r096dpizln8q7gaskg5iqpayhv0 tcfbfmpbmi1pcoxk6o804onoibp1ttyimkvlu8oczlo zuey2wh7ony4powkdjibyd7jskaty2speeonk8v9zbw ojyr1dxjsbbsnopbfgk4ij0blzh0uhvdfnq9gro7ove 7hoecsk19dhgwktajo4w6zq6sdexcafhphskkkl0thi otvy6dm7ulr5x9jzi40328wowpa3arplkxnt65ipy1y t9rlcgwshrysvo7aks3cgzqu0dxtkbp1syzl0lrn1jy aylqje6ha3nmgrintnjnxibzhgdsuz8e7vn0ldyruu jzx9b2se4ywg4ggz7ra3xxfjoktbbpupa42d5ujfe vgpgna4x0itdsjwpoaet3atmlok3p5wiuw2aren1 mz0kuriqsfwecnnmk0wme8nzqjbimslwjo4jmqol jlnemqiqozxcgdn3gdsfis4kdcvifamy8imyzjt e76wvwwiu04s1q1c4bmklmzoqxzgu9ocjipje4 qpsl7ssqvsoarxnngcy5q4sfggfnabynzxzxq6 xxbmizlxi8kzel2souqdituy7c7b4dnzgfgi fnu7cx1gxdjexnnasnr5qw6b3nkwtyrbti ctvil0e5ptzfepqpvdlhb2mwrdpd43u mmmmkyjstnpsagvrr4mjsmtryqtmka zkfhl6nsicctw3ialn0rizvhcqwgwz ekjnt1jv3j8mkvfmo0l74jpcszqbj uatquna8fodjrwtvmmxhzuzctfe24 razh8bpyvql51zcjfetdj8nzpjdq ltfywjtipwidt7rcyehdhoa27bbi wdlnjmegxyc48v17w2jwgsbe72n ohv2fwpi2slhmx7utwgztphvcm m6sd5iyyj5m1g7zdcfvhbrzceq cq3bwexnzb0jvp2d81ap5g6w4 p7xioqivc9yzcjjtbbxhv0jik lhgu5f5ricf0zkpxjfn0d35q j2oamwh2cijoytmzmm8lrzk8 josyydyqrdi73orklzzhsq4 1agi3m2ylukchgmq3smx8ro irk4xb2ifdh8ytyau7kzhe yvkispem7vkus5qfosqaeu eoijonzghehehebuz2rh5 pcrs5dyrlypqie2dr1ny gxouboedsfjsd2vppgkz 5c56w2nemoqpuo2ylpf dlivmtx59tkwk2vkrl vhhkuqlvglxmthejw4 zyfgglplswjxqrciro ouasfdx7zs1z0a3gf xsypllxosrbz5oud4 6yomu8o4sd6hinqeg ipou7txy1ze7nwi2 sshfingerprints xa3bli6dg8gfjc gfvleh6ia9vsm pyizqb1xcspzy vczu9pdkxcaui 1naq6awekowzy xjjoxm0l7rhsy qpefpn49x41lh rl2kxocobj66 uksrbun2pslg planetofnix iobrvzxz89e 6yrmnjlqzxx fffvfdrvzzg 3n5gv2a4k0w oddprotocol 64cvn0vglcd xdijhgra3n m4uuoqemlv breadofgod inspirenet brzkpyqmho npwmt4hzq1 nastycode shelltalk f0lvco0jw inu8cdezw bsdforall syoualj8 wyvsesor eigwxhwf tzx3l4wu v6gs4o9j ed25519 hx5f8yn hcm5ce1 qkxov5n servers freeirc warning connect cboskt4 sha256 gj6all ircnow rgqbvi before verify unique david ecdsa gcmhh rpblc a0lir title every wqriq match 1024 3072 eu1m host root evpp 2048 7cd3 iqwc p3sa user from here need md5 org rsa 7pr com 1jk not 2ac d1 68 b9 78 13 f6 d9 8d 05 c8 c2 33 b5 46 0f 45 a7 44 7f 92 a1 95 2e b6 61 6f 75 c6 94 90 39 86 2b d0 01 36 ba 37 3d 99 9a 98 54 84 7d 34 60 00 1e 83 50 63 18 fc 12 a6 db 53 6c 5b 26 06 52 67 4e 8a bd 70 57 c3 31 3e 93 97 87 9f 88 21 23 f7 69 58 4a 71 f3 85 08 1f 79 16 91 62 1b
 Vmm.Sysupgrade:1701529195: Openbsd.Sysupgrade : sysupgrade gracefully machines announce suddenly shutting downtime running virtual openbsd disable trying avoids follow rcctl guide title vpses while ahead users this then make sure team loss data next doas stop your vmd vmm are all due of if
 Shelllabs.Openaccess:1701400611:  : datascienceatthecommandline trustworthymachinelearning probability4datascience tellingstorieswithdata implementations bayesrulesbook paperswithcode bradleyboehmke psychologists circlize_book visualization introduction reproducible applications quantitative repositories engineering information mathematics electronics statistical pdr_higgins algorithms libretexts collection ieeeaccess publishers electrical structures openaccess submission statistics scientific retrieval europepmc institute selection engineers shelllabs resources inference available preprints published practical runestone libraries economics unpaywall handbook modeling journals bayesian clinical circular sematech jokergoo mattansb pythonds bookdown research openstax datasets sciences scunning computer figshare stanford mixtape medrxiv academy biorxiv medical biology applied systems archive finance physics methods problem details reports solving feature fields github mackay theory causal kaggle div898 modern mdsr2e health https index study books r4csr using hands title arxiv itila rmrwr from many html homl link life than mdpi more nist such edu www osf nlp org gov mml 100 of uk
-Main.RecentChanges:1701325945:  : recentchanges wikisandbox december homepage february ircnow tcache august terms shell 30t02 2020 july main jrmu 2023 2022 mkf 46z 39 by 31 07 at 38 am 11 36 pm 13 12 03 05 01 35
 Profiles.Tcache:1701312075:  : administration communication effortlessly professional connectivity capabilities spearheading implementing experiences trailblazer insatiable inspirenet enthusiast landscapes passionate technology optimizing accessible commitment innovation constantly individual leadership challenges connected fostering testament curiosity solutions protocols versatile perpetual developer intricate embraces managing seasoned learning progress internet involves follower grounded evolving services multiple horizons pursuits provides profiles governor steering seamless creating defined network driving delight seeking shaping thrives assumes digital journey whether explore hosting systems student online server beyond future always tcache coding member ircnow stands novel realm world takes wears users force eager proud bring about ahead just with open they that role love ease xmpp avid this stay ever hats not but new him who by
 Hunchentoot.RecentChanges:1701104020:  : recentchanges hunchentoot posterdati install 24t19 2023 41z 11 50 by
 Openbsd.Wraith:1700938157: Openbsd.Dns Openbsd.Backup Openbsd.Netcat : d2312f8fcd9de09574d7370e8de058d91322686c 6e8e5b2448356bb48f642dd18115aaaaca7b6dcb nuulsail2tydzzhwox9paz1l6sbovlvx thtqf8ifeee5ox0i configuration automatically documentation yourpackname instructions abcd3fgh1jk1 alphanumeric yourhubname networkname explanation information compromised controlling wraithpath administer binarypass recognized configured officially packconfig afterwards connection additional protection libcrypto dccprefix timestamp generated confusing connected character different supported reference somewhere something providing specific unhashed yournick optional accounts undernet continue username separate password creating replaced directly contains chanmode updating choosing security channels hostname matching enclosed software hostmask chaninfo cherry07 groupdel terminal requires oaijmnop stronger yourself settings powerful services reasons openbsd botpack updated fruit03 because command fruit02 several fruit01 portmax urandom pkg_add portmin hubnick address userdel homedir botnick useradd patched without libexec eggdrop install written dynamic warning nologin comment complex version however disable specify working default cookies chanset private libstdc include release records joining provide ircnet source should github delete create ircnow tested script stable backup secure fruit1 fruit2 leaves client chattr limits resolv fastop before stolen server ensure netcat botnet manage manual handle access autoop botcmd unable libssl values hashes salted ignore public better entire giving sample efnet press print enter saved above mkdir chown setup twice paste since https takes valid users keyed 12742 opped vhost waste three state there user2 manop flags whois flood sends mjoin voice shell wrote lines these owner salt2 64100 salt1 suxsc durt8 doesn 64000 nodes their front means forth which begin gmake store track build while first title such want safe ipv6 leaf each bots fill this more will than must same both much that head like look fold then echo repo code data bot2 quit have hubs bot5 bot4 bot3 1025 pick free goes sha1 deop mdop help kick keep ctcp type find last used pros cons easy once need dest done copy into them wiki html very read note file show doas null libm been true xvzf sbin chsh gets uses ctrl hung usr org ssh any dns can new run uid ksh scp yes awk tmp mop bad ops ntk may but tar dev 10a ftp hit won put gz za by 96 z0 45 v1 16 29 47 43 30 28 pc 46
@@ -391,11 +397,9 @@ PmWiki.Version:1696735023: PmWiki.PageVariables SiteAd
 Site.AuthForm:1696735023:  : enableauthuser invalidlogin requesting recognized displayed autofocus auth_form authform messages username required password summary enabled authpw pmwiki submit authid input ifend value site text when not ok
 Terms.Privacy:1696735023:  : identifiable information investigate maliciously anonymously permanently personally exceptions addresses interview described libellous metadata services channels response reserves networks archived required material violated supports allowing continue messages privacy members bouncer however contact welcome prevent private another mailing account request consent without publish storage illegal reports parties cookies special proxies replies connect joined delete ircnow should public mailto access proven policy emails combat number stored users abuse files above vpses their those which terms needs about phone rules staff after often third agent right agree using chats uses have sell does most that real name your will some also such scan this make used ctcp open spam log org and who are may own via any by as ip
 Bots.Bots:1696735023: Category.Bots !Bots : translations complements restrictive blacktools administer moderation scriptable management firewalls interface blackjack borrowing profanity languages networks pricebot multiple features everyone software connects progress lastseen together security scrabble increase channels category through servers bouncer support request filters hangman working passage weather clients display scripts quoting reports snippet adding create upload public better around easier domain longer posted relays switch ircnow reader charge quotes bypass easily trivia group games music using shell feeds other title feels stats chess bible greet poker these helps still ready order makes verse study since users over used code well http bots spam that open your this curl file holy chat lets each with then free same real time from live have they ircs like them hold auto room nick misc word news not yet org for uno and web can own rss per 100 20
-SiteAdmin.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges siteadmin authuser 03t21 2023 jrmu 37z 10 by
 Grape.Minetest:1696735023:  : minetest_join_02 minetest_join_01 minetest_login distribution instruction interesting application registered characters executable connecting convenient afterwards installing additional screenshot available questions subfolder dragonfly operating downloads wonderful consider official password username baytuch website archive channel players further address support welcome numbers letters contain playing joining openbsd freebsd android windows server please option center ircnow static device fields unpack system grape least latin linux macos users shown 30000 start there other first https click files your will with that need this good fill must game long time want chat find team into next have can for are gnu org any png its run bin www if 8
 Bouncer.XChat:1696735023: Freedom.Freedom Bouncer.Bouncer Bouncer.Hexchat : unmaintained proprietary information showdetails networklist essentially abcde12345 registered connecting connected password consider username software hostname addition servers example startup general uncheck bouncer address hexchat minutes protect windows message freedom select client attach corner source button ircnow insist decade should bottom saying global title click 31337 blank linux using file port this auto open from menu nick your left john with http been wait type used fill like then want such fork look has bnc and new org see not yet znc few png tab mac → ssl if
 Openbsd.Bsdrd:1696735023: Openbsd.Install71 : installation particular installing substitute install71 automatic upgrading sometimes existing fastest openbsd finally quickly upgrade reading booting damaged process options mistake repair cancel system during bootup follow should attach rescue bsdrd press https guide avoid bring using enter title cases stick other files these might note ctrl type want html faq4 then this make back from must rest lack your and for may usb png any org www way of cd do if
-Donations.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges donations 22t20 2023 jrmu 37z 06 58 by
 Debate.Outreachkids:1696735023:  : characteristic outreachkids discriminate unconscious detrimental orientation stereotype compassion experience microsofts oppression softwares minecraft education embracing community together villages neighbor slashdot uniquely comments training activism genocide society justice special doubles against extreme slavery empathy hnicity 1426210 through biases lesson gender sexual people negati behave larger debate trying social their other story based guide diver makes power notes being https bring cause scale teach while push vely that used when jrmu them even suck 2020 some code hour lead will both news help with your game sity this year and can two net all for now org 03 22 52 45 13 11 44 37 17 05
 Openbsd.Team:1696735023: Ircnow.Dogfood Team.Announce Openbsd.Police Openbsd.Ilines : announcements configuration permanently disconnects orientation investigate advertised additional coordinate connection discussion 2020123100 timestamp teammates configure following operator customer username services adminlog frequent accounts yourself redirect trainees channels downtime networks present support example bouncer webpage actions related moddata editing forward website openbsd members changes dogfood provide welcome request joining making server entire should online before backup offers serial number assign please leader ngircd client remain report emails police ircnow issues broken notice create glined ilines either notify daily check after tasks there links guide abuse title users every taken track cause right opers smtp that must meet bugs will them away each home from same with need doas copy save file keep read look day any all are znc see him his fix and can new may set cp
 Hardware.Psp:1696735023:  : entertainment connectivity architecture simpletable association playstation producing developed continued bluetooth december embedded released portable hardware sortable handheld modules storage battery version company console custom 166mhz memory 366mhz socket street gaming border stick r4000 model class until first specs e1000 infra width bits 3000 1200 64mb mips dram 1800 ieee sony irda data 32mb 2000 2014 that 2004 iii mah red 802 psp 11b gpu two cpu of by is go
@@ -423,7 +427,6 @@ Mkf.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges februar
 Gomuks.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges install january gomuks 2023 mkf at 07 08 pm by
 Paster.Install:1696735023:  : redirect openbsd install paster status 301
 Rcd.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges formatting configure february title 2022 xfnw rcd fix 15 04 46 pm by
-Unix101.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges february unix101 23t18 izzyb jrmu 2022 2023 36z vi 03 by at 08 16 pm 04 27
 TigerVNC.Install:1696735023:  : redirect tigervnc openbsd install status 301
 Mlmmj.Install:1696735023:  : redirect openbsd install status mlmmj 301
 Eggdrop.DuckHunt:1696735023:  : modifications fonctionnera correctement beginning suprieure putloglev duck_hunt duckhunt original eggdrops version comment scripts details regsub lindex return erreur 00304 https votre will page line some 1620 html with s228 the que run out for sur les tcl all est to fr la of 45
@@ -516,7 +519,6 @@ WikiTips.GroupsTagsCategories:1696735023: WikiTips.Gro
 Category.Javascript:1696735023:  : javascript category
 Category.Perl:1696735023:  : category perl
 Category.Lua:1696735023:  : category lua
-Lists.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges formatting ircnow lists 03t21 izzyb added 2023 jobs some 00z and 05 11 by
 Hardware.Ethernet:1696735023:  : ethernet software hardware metadata between manages packets sending serial chksum middle normal things based clock other speed used gmii most mdio 1000 that like card line time dsp not and mac dma neg phy for etc is sw 0s 1s 45 rj it
 Tmux.Tmux:1696735023:  : additionally multiplexer connection tmuxinator management persistent operating happening subsystem microsoft terminal pagelist sessions software continue similar machine wrapper another windows install systems remote github allows called screen single inside assist create guide loose while watch doing group exist share https using learn byobu linux tools there users means help they what also both unix even this open that with will like your for and wsl www gnu org bsd run com can see be if
 Category.MetaAuthorAuthor:1696735023:  : metaauthorauthor category
@@ -525,7 +527,6 @@ Category.MetaKeywordsTag:1696735023:  : metakeywordsta
 Ikiwiki.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges ikiwiki install 07t22 2023 jrmu 44z 06 48 by
 Certbot.Nginx:1696735023:  : letsencrypt requirement appropriate server_name virtualhost installing domainname generating configure following automatic recommend selecting separated depending installed whenever generate writting expiring activate certbot domains options replace numbers python3 running crontab machine listen htdocs commas spaces plugin insert either saving finish cancel ubuntu debian change would names https which title block leave input blank shown enter nginx daily check until again press could asked debug edit your keep wait till make save will want need sudo only with done root have like var and ssl log for apt www etc key 30 by 80 we 1
 Psotnic.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges psotnic install devune 22t16 2023 20z 05 03 by
-C101.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges 25t14 c101 2023 jrmu 30z 05 31 by
 Openbsd.Xenodm:1696735023:  : configuration minimalistic configurable customizable installation motherboard reinstalled corporation connecting generation controller integrated sysupgrade connected secondary 1680x1050 processor initially interface upgraded xenocara firewall asterisk standard graphics provides xsetup_0 instruct computer directly original restart openbsd perform machine working created article manager session greeter asustek primary execute startup suffice follows leaving monitor display without xrandr choose xenodm modify output intent attach tested system fitted socket soddim reboot router server family really showed launch enable should errors until rcctl based intel files video which after could fully ports cisco 887va modem login ready hdmi user core 1150 ddr3 xorg from home nice some even this time when case part fork easy doas q87t ago was edp 4th lan lcd via can xdm x11 etc add inc two you way rev cpu ghz ram i3 06 be gb of 2
 Certbot.RecentChanges:1696735023:  : recentchanges certbot nginx 04t13 yonle 2023 54z 07 58 by
 Minutemin.Bootcamp-Draft:1696735023: Openbsd.Intro Doas.Configure Civics.Intro Syspatch.Syspatch Openbsd.Pkg Minutemin.Questions Freedom.Selfadmin Ngircd.Install Openbsd.Loginconf Ngircd.Loginconf Ngircd.Oper Netcat.Irc Netcat.Usage Openbsd.Rcctl Freedom.Fork Chroot.Intro Openhttpd.Configure Netcat.Http Telnet.Http Acme-client.Configure Openhttpd.Tls Openssl.Http Openbsd.Php Pmwiki.Install Openhttpd.Hosting Openbsd.Httpopenproxy Openhttpd.Perl Freedom.Firstamendment Ngircd.Ssl Ngircd.Link Hopm.Install Hopm.Telnet Anope.Install Atheme.Install Freedom.Software Znc.Chroot Relayd.Acceleration Znc.Relayd Relayd.TLSMulti Letsencrypt.Expired Freedom.Religion Tcpip.Overview IPv4.Overview IPv6.Overview IP.Myaddress Openbsd.Ping Openbsd.Dig Minutemin.Ifconfig Hostnameif.Static Route.Usage Freedom.Openforeveryone Pf.Guide Openbsd.Ddos Openbsd.Tcpdump Openbsd.SSDP Openbsd.ACKFlood Openbsd.RSTFlood Openbsd.UDPFlood Openbsd.Amplification Openbsd.PFStable Openbsd.PFTesting Openbsd.Pf Dns.Overview Unbound.Configure Dig.Usage Host.Usage Netizen.Become Netizen.Rights Dns.Records Dns.Registrars Dns.FQDN Nsd.Configure Dns.Zonefile Nsd.Zone Nsd.Masterslave DNS.RDNS DNS.Ipv4rDNS DNS.Ipv6rDNS Freedom.Unix Dns.Vhost Oidentd.Install Oidentd.ZNC Ambassador.Ilines Freedom.Federation Opensmtpd.Configure DNS.Mail DNS.SPF DNS.DKIM DNS.DMARC Netcat.SMTP Opensmtpd.Test Opensmtpd.Openrelay Dovecot.Install Openssl.Imap Squirrelmail.Install Mlmmj.Install Servers.Rights Minutemin.Code Openbsd.Botnow Bouncer.ZNC ZNC.Admin ZNC.Support Minutemin.Duty Cvs.Intro Cvs.Commit Cvs.Anoncvs Cvs.Cvsweb Got.Usage Got.Repo Got.Server Got.Mirror Gotweb.Install Minutemin.Server Openbsd.Dump Openrsync.Usage Openbsd.Fdisk Openbsd.Disklabel Openbsd.Newdisk Openbsd.Growfs Vmctl.Usage Vmm.Install Openbsd.Vmmlinux Openbsd.Install71 Openbsd.Upgrade71 Openbsd.Sysupgrade71 Hosting.Providers Openbsd.Bsdrd OpenBSD.ResetPassword Dhcpd.Configure Openbsd.Buyvm Vmm.Linux Freedom.Independence Ircnow.Constitution Freedom.Union Freedom.Privacy Freedom.Homestead Freedom.Madeonirc Freedom.Startupdream Freedom.Dueprocess Freedom.Checks Freedom.Rulebylaw Openbsd.Sftp Openbsd.Ports Ntpd.Configure Police.Intro Police.Fingerprints Team.Security Password.Management Openssl.Encryptfile Gnupg.Create Gpg.Verify Signify.Verify Openbsd.FilePermissions Iked.Configure Vpn.Vpn Tor.Torsocks Tor.Irc Tor.Hidden Openbsd.Sshd OpenSSH.Connect OpenSSH.Keygen Openbsd.Sshkeys Openbsd.Sshbackdoor Openbsd.Books Unix.Reading Ircnow.Dogfood Team.Welcome Team.Testing Ircnow.Networks Ircnow.Roadmap Team.Announce : responsibilities filepermissions openforeveryone firstamendment fingerprinting investigation automatically httpopenproxy amplification announcements miscellaneous resetpassword troubleshoot squirrelmail fingerprints startupdream independence constitution sysupgrade71 applications certificates acceleration introduction description declaration recommended sshbackdoor masterslave letsencrypt encryptfile simpletable dueprocess hostnameif understand nameserver management networking dogfooding registrars blacklists techniques installing federation connection ambassador minutemin partition openhttpd disklabel configure criminals openrsync religious opensmtpd passwords install71 signature pftesting providers webserver hostmasks openrelay myaddress madeonirc loginconf homestead jumpstart questions rulebylaw procedure anonymous selfadmin overview networks security udpflood ackflood firewall bootcamp torsocks rstflood securely software downtime services insecure syspatch ifconfig religion ipv4rdns vmmlinux ipv6rdns generate zonefile multiple webpanel commands sortable tlsmulti pfstable increase phishing packages webpages stopping bouncers chrooted balances spammers netizen records roadmap reading prereqs openbsd freedom control support virtual channel further hosting version privacy unbound caching servers backups welcome anoncvs oidentd openssl prevent abusers sending dovecot request signify proxies clients reverse openssh newdisk sshkeys domains webmail mailing machine expired removed traffic classes liberty monitor chroots tcpdump against attacks defense packets updates execute closing private lesson civics checks growfs telnet rights cvsweb netcat botnow gotweb recite shells mirror access police choose create ngircd repair border ircnow system verify keygen hidden united commit limits pmwiki basics custom atheme origin vhosts relayd static filter lookup sample defend become letter report folder detect inside ilines higher speech topic ports learn leaks claim guide usage vmctl fdisk books mlmmj gnupg dhcpd email bsdrd tcpip draft anope cloak union ipsec route buyvm files rcctl avoid dmarc title press clone setup local types using honor about repos ethic paths width block imap with unix your link fqdn dkim iked what vpns perl from team plan hopm ssdp oper fork acme doas ddos sshd code bill only duty sftp hard ntpd good tree spf znc 100 php pkg how gpg ban dig nsd vps fix pgp git
@@ -781,7 +782,6 @@ Irc.Emoji:1652178230:  : expressionless multiplication
 Openbsd.Nsd:1652142827: Openbsd.Delphinusdnsd Openbsd.Tcpip Openbsd.IPv4 Openbsd.IPv6 Openbsd.Dns Openbsd.Resourcerecords Openbsd.Dnszones Openbsd.Sockets Openbsd.Ifconfig Openbsd.Hostnameif0 Openbsd.Buyvm Openbsd.Vmminstall Openbsd.Domains Openbsd.Host Openbsd.Dig Openbsd.FQDN : troubleshooting resourcerecords configuration delphinusdnsd disadvantages understanding authoritative installation introduction configuring hostnameif0 explanation nameserver registered networking addressing configured vmminstall yyyymmddnn 2021020301 substitute foreground checkzone checkconf uncomment interpret verbosity addresses standards interface subdomain specified correctly confirmed elsewhere transfers authority necessary difficult encounter dnszones sections redirect ifconfig whenever username zonefile database compared specific requires warnings delegate sysadmin normally internet audited example control openbsd aliases binding specify servers sockets quickly provide domains minimum refresh logfile disable version assumes invalid through perhaps further refuses outside message simpler service suppose deleted helpful results getting defined ircnow master errors failed syntax notify proper should enable always points finish charge origin forgot output serial return expire please before system guides remote public forget notice change https write start 32265 fruit rcctl which might after files again buyvm could quits above pages blank using leave about query first these tools works found 86400 retry there basic slave every nokey 37575 comes least tcpip allow title exist denic 93210 this team ipv4 step need want sure that doas also more than hide nast glue your 5678 test fqdn 2001 aaaa 3600 mail with drop will ipv6 once read _nsd port part look case view logs done move line info news does fork edit good smtp same have make into real note like such both imap only 1800 just var 198 own 100 yes man etc db8 soa any 921 ns1 see 898 had run dig tip www off can xfr 261 192 has ask ns2 how was ttl mx we 51 53 33 34 50 07 by 31 43 14 49
 Opsofliberty.Bootcamp:1652085512: Irc.Chanop Ngircd.Oper ZNC.Support ZNC.Admin Openbsd.Announce Abuse.Code Openbsd.Police Minutemin.Duty Minutemin.Server Openbsd.Team Servers.Rights : adminstration announcements opsofliberty description simpletable minutemin procedure managing handling bootcamp sortable channels support openbsd prereqs servers control lesson police ngircd rights chanop border topic abuse guide class width duty work code team oper znc 100
 Openbsd.Ports:1652075682:  : successful installing download provides software setting openbsd mirrors signify returns tarball package folder sha256 https uname ports valid build using tree copy page from then base make html doas find that root was can and you www run usr xzf tmp faq org for etc ftp cut pub cdn up gz ok to cp 1 3
-Ngircd.Ssl:1652023834: Acme-client.Configure Crontab.Edit Pf.Guide : troubleshooting uncommented connections certificate automation encouraged additional configure reloading necessary establish providing following otherwise openhttpd encrypted dhparams examples optional blocking automate hostname certfile rulesets properly firewall incoming downtime request putting _ngircd restart cronjob because renewed keyfile openssl seconds private replace copying expires process crontab renewal server client longer actual random expect before listen enable signed dhfile unable bottom daemon reread signal allows result simply highly ensure check pkill needs order certs chown 16697 would using which sleep visit after users title 16667 quick guide lines files above ports proto pfctl exist first begin pass make this into note doas with will that your 6660 9999 6669 edit acme must have once then 7000 days 6997 send were 2048 wait does want each see crt etc can log var may hup 300 tcp tls two are pem out let its by 90 of
 Civics.RecentChanges:1651620707:  : recentchanges civics intro 2022 jrmu may 03 at 01 06 am by
 Codeforce.RecentChanges:1651620707:  : recentchanges codeforce training 2022 jrmu may 03 at am by
 OpenBSD.EdgeRouter-Lite:1651157449:  : documentation installation bootoctlinux instructions old_bootcmd recommended connection compatible edgerouter bootloader sysupgrade ubnt_e100 partition installed operating supported install70 directory configure depending replacing connected interrupt rebooting parameter commands loadaddr internal official youruser numcores verified computer internet download powerful openbsd adapter signify fatload rootdev sandisk saveenv process minicom usermod console already careful packets network several reading battery replace messing instead working octeon system serial ugreen pl2303 setenv enough device tested appear booted choose around cruzer saving 115200 insert inside revert latest needed budget should belong dialer filter wrong guide parts after https reset shell there doesn since usual small point could enter using these cuau0 being index local rsdxc every lacks group means cable cisco first image rdate clock press drive while best sync this with lite sd0i will wipe keys some have doas then data ways case from want hour karl once keep 16gb rj45 nice html just goes done into home burn push pool usb org etc low ntp img cdn pub fit can db9 ftp www faq has run my by rc pf 1m 8